Sunday, April 12, 2009


Yes, I finally could say it was Friday... but Sunday came!!! Christ arose and that is our hope! We can believe in a future in heaven because of what our Saviour did for us. We had a great service with a musical telling the story of Christ. Then we came home and had a big dinner with some guests (3 guys from Crossroads College who didn't have a place to go). They are watching basketball now. So I hope everyone had as great an Easter as we did!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break

Hey all! It's Spring break here, but it's still too cold! Temp. this morning was about 23 degrees. Jim and some friends went camping. Ha! Ha! They went out to the farm. Hope all is well. We haven't heard a thing since they left yesterday. My sister, Cheryl is in Germany visiting Heather and Billy and kids, including new grandson, Simon. I miss my grandkids! I did some shopping this week and got a dress for Michele's wedding. The wedding will be June 19, in Virginia. Plans are coming along well. Michie and AJ are doing a great job! I know I'm kind of rambling, but don't know what else to say. Only about 48 more school days! Happy April!